Summer Salmon Tagliatelles

Probably one of the simplest recipes ever and who doesn't want to know how to make a simple creamy salmon tagliatelles? It won't be one you'll impress your friends with your skills however the taste is great. Being a student at university, this is one I always have at hand as it doesn't require many ingredients.

Summer Salmon Tagliatelles:

Origin: Page ripped out of a french magazine
Yield: 4 servings
Prep time: 2 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
In-active Cooking time: 8-10 minutes


  • 1.5 litres of vegetable broth
  • 500g of tagliatelles
  • 200g of smoked salmon
  • 75g of unsalted butter
  • 2,5dl of half cream (however this is uncommon in anglo-saxon countries so I would advice to replace it with low-fat cream)
  • 1 egg
  • 2 twigs of fresh dill
  • Pepper
  • Salt


  1. Boil the vegetable broth (the recipe calls for salted water with a tbsp of sunflower oil however I find the tagliatelles taste better cooked in vegetable broth) and add the tagliatelles till they are 'al dente' (as in firm but not hard). Drain with cold water to avoid the tagliatelles from sticking (personal trick, works for everything such as rice and any other pasta).
  2. Take the egg and separate the white from the yolk, keeping only the yolk. Wash and chop the dill. Cut the salmon into thin strips of about 5cm of length. Put aside
  3. In a large pan on medium heat, melt the butter then add the creme with the egg yolk mixing vigorously, slowly diminishing the heat. Allow the mixture to thicken while continuing to stir for a couple of minutes. Finally add pepper.
  4. Add the tagliatelles to the sauce and mix it for a minute. You may now either plate up as I did and place the salmon and dill as you wish or you incorporate the salmon with the dill now and mix it well before plating up. Salt to taste.
As a side, I normally plate up a simple green salad with some honey mustard dressing.


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