Eggs in Marinara Sauce

This recipe has been in my head for years now however every single time I do it, I believe I miss out on some steps from the original recipe and I ended up making it with my own twist. I guess that's how most recipes are created, inspiration from you're own personal preferences. If I remember correctly, this dish is meant to be served on a thin slice of fresh bread and with pieces of italian bacon in it. I've slowly distanced myself from bread over the past few months (yes, I'm sure you've spotted the bread in the corner of the photo but in my defense this was brunch so I made a ridiculously large portion of marinara sauce and the bread was freshly baked and who can say no to that). However, now that I'm back at university, I no longer have a mother that brings fresh bread from the bakery every morning. All I'm faced with now is an aisle in the supermarket with pre-made packaged slices of spongey fake bread, if you can even call it that, not a big fan.

Here's a breakfast recipe that may seem heavy at sight but is actually very healthy and will easily satisfy  you till lunch.

Eggs in Marinara Sauce

Origin: Some website online with a twist from the obscure part of my mind 
Yield: 1 serving
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Inactive Cooking time: 5 minutes


  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 of a shallot
  • 3 ripe tomatoes or half a cup of canned tomato pieces
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped up basil (preferably fresh, if dry use 2 teaspoons)
  • 1 teaspoon of tomato concentrate
  • 2 eggs


  1. Dice up the shallot.
  2. Skin the ripe tomatoes. My mother taught me an effective method of doing this: Create an X slit at the bottom of each tomato. Place your tomatoes in a bowl and cover with boiling water for a few minutes. As the X slits start peeling off remove the tomatoes and place them under cold water for a few seconds. Use a knife to peel off the skin.
  3. Chop the tomatoes up into about 1cm/1/2 an inch pieces
  4. Heat the olive oil in a small frying pan on medium heat.
  5. Throw in the shallots, cook until soft by constantly moving them with a wooden spatula. Do not let them brown
  6. Add the tomato pieces and1 tablespoon of fresh basil (1 teaspoon of dry basil); reduce the heat to a simmer. Cover the saucepan and let the tomatoes fall apart into a mash.
  7. When soft, add the tomato concentrate and add the remaining basil. Stir in both.
  8. Make two little holes in the sauce and drop in the eggs. Cover. This allows the eggs to cook from above without having to flip them over.
  9. Serve when the eggs have just developed a top coat and they don't move when you jiggle the pan. Salt and pepper to taste.
God now I'm hungry...

Yeah there's bread, what are you going to do about it? It tasted amazing.


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