Side Note

This is an old self portrait from last year - march. I had gained the undesired and unfortunately unavoidable 5kg that come with the start of university. I lost that weight over the summer (around the time I started this blog) and last night I find out that I hadn't gained anything since, really satisfied to be honest.

The reason I'm posting this picture is that:
a. I'm currently getting withdrawal symptoms from my Nikon. I miss technology. (Will be picking it up from home this weekend - super excited)
b. I'm quite exhausted from a long night out.

Food has always been something I've enjoyed, but university settings, not only the fact that I had to cook for myself but also that I lived in an entirely new country. My mom also enjoys some differentiation;  ripping out recipes from magazines and collecting them in a folder, trying out new ones, getting rid of old ones. As opposed to most people, I tend to have more control over what I eat when I'm back at home with my family. At university, with such a relaxed timetable, I find it hard to fix meals, buy food ahead, plan what I'll be eating everyday and most importantly: portion control. Who said independence was easy?

My tips to those with similar struggles to mine is try to do your shopping once a week, buying a limited amount of fresh ingredients, it will force you to prepare them as you know they'll be going out of date soon plus it will be a step towards healthy eating. Bear in mind, you may want to keep some meat in your freezer for the darker times. Most importantly, don't be tempted by the pre-made and sliced bread! Toast and melted butter, so simple yet so lethal...where do you think the 5kg came from?


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