Spring Onion Scrambled Eggs

First day of work today. This quick and healthy breakfast is something I cook quit often, either because I'm in a hurry or I'm hungover.

As you can tell from the recipe, I prefer not adding milk in my eggs or whisking them before. This is how my mother always made scrambled eggs when I was a younger and I really urge you to try it at least, they're amazing. You get more flavor this way I believe, the texture is something different to what you've ever tasted before and it's healthier

Spring Onion Scrambled Eggs:

Origin: Mother's Recipe
Yield: Two Person Breakfast
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Inactive Prep Time: 0 minutes


  • 4 eggs
  • 4 tbsp of chopped spring onions
  • 1 tbsp of butter / extra-virgin olive oil
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of pepper 


  1. Heat the butter or oil in a medium sized frying pan. Add the spring onions and cook stirring constantly for about 1 minute, until you smell a slight odor of the spring onions rising from the pan.
  2. Take the frying pan off the heat and crack in the eggs.
  3. Add the salt and pepper and mix everything together until it is all well incorporated. I personally like using a flat wood spoon as it doesn't ruin the pan.
  4. Set the pan on medium heat again and gently push the eggs with your spatula along the pan to obtain evenly cooked eggs. Continue doing this until you have cooked the eggs to your liking, my personal preference is the moment where you can still see the eggs are a little moist but there is no more liquid. Serve hot.
Advice: Place and eat the eggs on a slice of whole meal bread or toast.


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